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Shop cardstar.comis 100% Safe. – We SHIP all Orders within 24 hours – We PAY your Sales Tax too!
Some Benefits of using Card Star are You will close MORE business because you will be getting more decisions from your clients and prospects. You will set more appointments because you will bypass the assistant and get right to the decision maker. Generate new referrals from your clients and professional alliances. Greeting Cards get opened before any other mail! Overcome your fears by using our referral cards to solicit referrals for you without you having to ask. Sending Greeting Cards stands you apart from the competition and helps you get noticed again & again. Build professional alliances with your centers of influence. You will provide more personalized service to your clients and will not have to worry about the competition stealing your clients. Thank clients and prospects for their business and time Remind clients and prospects that action needs to be taken to reach their goals.
Every order comes with a 30 day Money Back Guarantee. We guarantee 100% that shopping is SAFE on our website. Our website features secure servers verified by Verisign©. We use secure credit card processing by Cybercash©. In case of fraud, we will assume any liability and you pay nothing. We know that being fair and honest with you will likely result in doing more business with you. We are a stable company and have been on the internet selling greeting cards since 1996. We will provide referrals from Fortune 500 companies on request and as the situation requires.

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